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Jessica President
Stephanie 1st Vice President
Rob 2nd Vice President
Rebecca Secretary
Jennifer R.Administrative Treasurer
Jennifer B.Welfare Treasurer
TBA Parliamentarian
Lisa/AnnettePrograms / Reservations
HeatherMembership / Hospitality
TBDPublicity / Website
TBDSocial Media
TBDNewsletter - Protocall
Beth / Yen Ling
Special Activities 
Christina / Jennifer Arlington Committee
Mina/ Tana Retiree Liaison
Denise / Heather JAFOWL
Kathy / Hang International Spouses 
Mary Community Outreach
Bernice  Thrift Shop Liaison
Diane Charity Gala


The ASFSC is a private, non-profit organization. It is not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and has non-governmental status. This site does not represent the views of the either the United States Air Force or the United States Space Force.


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